Major Update (New Characters, System Mechanics, etc.)

10 New Characters!
New Resource and Metered Options!
Balance Changes to the Original Cast!
Please welcome the newcomers Raima, Roseman, Mainohana, Tetsuo, Minmin, Noel, Syoru, Suzaku, Hayato, and Wiler. It was certainly an undertaking developing 10 whole characters for a single update, but I also had a blast doing so. Basically all the new characters have become my favorite, and I hope you enjoy the new playstyles, mechanics, and options they bring!
I'm also excited to announce the new meter and metered options. There is now a resource you can build located right under the health bars that give you access to 3 new techniques. For 50% of your meter, you can perform an EX Cancel or Intercept and for 100%, you can perform an EX Super Special. EX Cancels allow you to cancel into a special from another special or non-special cancellable normal. Intercepts are inputted with 6 A+B during blockstun, and allows you to cancel said blockstun into a get-off me attack. Lastly, for all your bar, you can perform a EX Super Special, a powerful attack that can be cancelled into from both specials and normals. I hope you all enjoy these new techniques and added complexity of resource management.
As for the balance changes for the original cast, you'll have to find those out. This update was developed over the course of multiple months, and I'm gonna be honest, I did not keep a good track of all the changes. A lot of them were based around system changes or fixing issues with certain moves so I didn't feel the need to record them as I went along. I apologize, but know that there isn't anything too major that was changed in the original cast.
Lastly, this will probably be the final update to the game (besides any bug fixes or patches). I made this game during my last semester of school during my Comp Sci classes, and so when I graduated, I released the original version of this game. After a month or two of the game being out, I decided to finally, fr fr, finish the project by filling out the rest of the cast blanked out on the character select screen. The scope of this update then grew to include new system mechanics, as I felt like the game could use the complexity and engagement of a meter. There was one genuine hiccup when working on this update when a couple weeks in the entire project corrupted. I was devastated by this as I thought I lost weeks of work, and couldn't deliver on the update I promised myself. Luckily, I had an older version of the project on my laptop, and was able to recover most of character files from the added roster. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though because I couldn't recover the latest character I had been working on Syoru. I was still quite demotivated from this but I carried on, and now the update is here! I hope yall enjoy!
(P.S. This game will not be getting an online mode/rollback netcode. The game was made when I didn't have the experience to implement it, and so it would be more effort than its worth to add. Additionally, I want to move on from the project due to it not being my own IP. My next fighting game already has rollback implemented along with being solely my creation. So I will be solely focusing on that project for the foreseeable future.)
Get SD Hiryu no Ken EX BLAZING
SD Hiryu no Ken EX BLAZING
A fighting game loosely based on the GBC title "SD Hiryu no Ken EX"
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